I have experienced Total Solar Eclipses in the past and they are remarkable, not only for the brilliant image you see in the sky, but also for the dramatic changes in the environment you experience as the sky slowly darkens, the horizon changes color, the animals begin to react strangely, and the fellow eclipse-chasers react with great anticipation. Although I will not travel to this one, I plan to travel to one of the upcoming eclipses in the next few years.
For those in the US who don't want to travel far, your next chance to experience at Total Solar Eclipse will be 2017.
Hello I was wondering where I could obtain information about the local times that the eclipse will be occuring? I know that we will not see it here in New York but I am intrested in knowning what will be happening on the planet and when. Thanks
hi Anna - you can get all the information you want here:
Links on this page take you to very detailed maps that show the shadow path of the moon across the globe. For example, this one is for Easter Island:
It shows that the eclipse duration will be 4 minutes and 54 seconds at 20:08 universal time which is 4:08 pm in New York.
It's a wonderful global event and even if you can't see it, it's cool that you want to keep track of it.
-- Paul
Not sure myself if I'll join you in 2017 for the next total solar eclipse visible from the continental US ... but I thought I'd see where the optimal spot was in more detail.
This search result on mapper.acme.com, which uses Google Maps with some nice additions including searching by lat/lon, shows the optimal location to be in the middle of a Kentucky state forest. If you do go right there, perhaps viewing from the top of tree would work best?
Location-wise, it appears Bowling Green, KY will get close enough for the naked eye. There are a few towns within a 2+ miles of the total eclipse spot, too, who would be smart to start planning their astrogeek tourism.
- Karsten
Karsten - you are doing some good advance planning. For me, the most important factor is weather (and more specifically, cloud cover) so the challenge for 2017 will be to find the spot on a line from Oregon to South Carolina that has the best likelihood for clear skies in August. Summer conditions across much of the USA are difficult due to thunderstorms in the afternoon, so I am inclined to look west to Wyoming, Idaho or eastern Oregon.
Jay Anderson does the weather forecasting for many eclipses and for the NASA website. He recently created his own website and it is a great resource for this exact task. I met him at two total solar eclipses. He provides a great service for all eclipse chasers! http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~jander/
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