Venus is brightening as it gradually moves closer to Earth in its orbit. Because it is nearer to the Sun than the Earth, it never climbs too high in the sky. For the rest of 2008 it is a brilliant evening "star", dominating the western horizon just after sunset. Jupiter, on the other hand, is much more distant from the Sun than the Earth and therefore over a year can be seen in all parts of the sky, moving gradually against the backdrop of stars but not nearly as quickly (from our Earth-bound perspective) as Venus. Jupiter has spent 2008 in the constellation Sagittarius and the diagram shows its present location, moving east of Sagittarius toward Capricorn.
Each evening for the next few weeks you will be able to see Jupiter and the background stars of Sagittarius gently drift toward the Sun while Venus holds its own. The combined effect is that Jupiter will move closer and closer to Venus. It is an experiment that requires nothing more than taking a moment each evening (or every couple days) to look west after sunset and note the relative position of these two bright objects. They are much brighter than anything else in the sky so you should not have any problem finding them. On November 17th Venus makes a very close encounter with one of the brighter stars in Sagittarius.
The evenings of November 30th and December 1st are particularly noteworthy as the young crescent Moon makes a close "fly-by" of the two planets, something that should be dazzling to see with a telescope or binoculars. Jupiter, of course, is impressive with its four bright moons, and Venus is always fascinating because it goes through phases just like our own Moon. By end of month, Venus will be a waning gibbous phase as it moves closer to Earth and slowly becomes a crescent over the next several weeks. Happy viewing!
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