17 April 2024

Seeing the International Space Station (ISS)

Looking up into the night sky, we can see many satellites gently gliding across the heavens on any clear night. Some are faint, others brighter. But nothing rivals the International Space Station when it makes a pass overhead. The largest artificial satellite in orbit around the Earth, the ISS circles the globe every 90 minutes and is usually visible for 1-2 weeks at at time in any given location. I recorded this podcast to provide some guidance on the how, why and where of the ISS.

"Seeing the ISS" on the Translunar Podcast. 

Image courtesy NASA. 

01 April 2024

A Podcast on Astronomy: Translunar

Please try out a very fine astronomy podcast called Translunar (Apple, Spotify). It is a production of the Munich Public Observatory (Volkssternwarte München, where I am a member) and there are bi-weekly episodes in English and German now available. My latest podcast features a tour of the late winter / early spring night sky and you can join for the tour by simply putting on your earbuds and walking outside to take a tour with me. We tour the "Winter Hexagon," a very brilliant part of the late winter / early spring night sky.