30 June 2009

Scorpius now in view

The summer constellation Scorpius is now center-stage in the southern sky. It's always a treat to see the distinctive shape of Scorpius with red supergiant star Antares glowing in the sky. Through binoculars Scorpius is great because of an abundance of deep-sky objects in and near the constellation. And this week there is an extra treat as the moon passes through.


  1. Just viewed this pretty pairing along with the M4 Globular Cluster right between them. Ah the subtle alignments of the celestial orbs.

    Nice write up Paul and I can't wait for your next radio spot!

  2. Through binoculars Scorpius is great because of an abundance of deep-sky objects in and near the constellation...

    I love looking around this area with my new 12 inch telescope. antarez shines so bright it's amazing to look at the orange disk. And M44 woah eye-popping. Great write up !!

  3. Hello fellow astronomy travelers: you two are way ahead of me in Scorpius viewing. It's been painfully foggy here in San Francisco the last few weeks and I am getting almost no telescope time.

    Seeing M4 with a 12 inch scope would be quite fine. I need to get back to Sebastapol to borrow a big scope (I did that last year with a friend's 11 inch). M4 in a big scope would be sublime.

    Thanks for the nice comments, folks.
